The following lenses have been reviewed by users on Adorama, Amazon, Best Buy and B&H Photo. These reviews are based on actual users, not test data or other methodology which can be flawed or otherwise inaccurate. You can further select to only show lenses compatabile with a single camera system, and further refine the list to only display certain lens types and formats. In addition to the overall rating (out of 5) you can view the total number of reviews that were submitted to calculate the rating, as well as some of the lens’ important tech specs and a link to purchase the lens on Your purchases using these links helps to support this website. Thanks!!!

  • Wide Zoom Lenses: Lenses wider than 24mm for Full Frame cameras or 15mm for APS-C cameras
  • Standard Zoom Lenses: Lenses that start at 24mm for Full Frame cameras or 15mm for APS-C cameras
  • Telephoto Zoom Lenses: Lenses that start at 70mm for Full Frame cameras or 50mm for APS-C cameras
  • Wide Prime Lenses: Prime lenses that are wider than 24mm for Full Frame cameras or 15mm for APS-C cameras
  • Standard Prime Lenses: Prime lenses that are 50mm for Full Frame cameras or 30-35mm for APS-C cameras
  • Telephoto Prime Lenses: Prime lenses that are greater than 50mm for Full Frame cameras or 35mm for APS-C cameras
  • Macro Lenses: Lenses that offer 1:1 or 1:2 Magnification